I’ve been googling about the odds of getting in, the netizens’ conspiracy theories, and just how much goes into the JET selection process…
You’re supposed to apply to local consulate. Then go there for your interview… and be shipped out by them as their “representative” if you’re selected.
Supposed to.
Well, apparently, people like to play what I call the Consulate Game. What is the Consulate Game? Well, according to the forumsphere, each consulate is given a certain amount of placements due to the amount of applications (from what I assume the previous application season) and people tend to take advantage of this by applying to nearby consulates that have “low application” numbers. So an applicant in New York might apply to the Atlanta consulate with a “glimmering hope” that their chances of being shortlisted has been increased due to decreased competition.
Unfortunately it seems like a wasted effort.
For instance, the consulate I’m applying to (will not name) had roughly around 30 JETs shipped off back in 2006, then it decreased to around 25 the following year, then decreased, decreased again, and I believe that last year’s numbers were around 20 – 22. Was this due to less applicants? Probably. It would not be conducive to simply slice the available slots if applications are increasing. The only factor I see that can affect the numbers is more JETs from said consulate renewing their contracts, thus hogging up the slots, which means lesser openings, ending with a decreased chance of acceptance.
Or… the BoEs cut contracts and privatize themselves. Which is usually the case.
So, for the applicant from New York, s/he would only be hurting themselves even more by increasing an application pool that is already competitive enough for it’s own region.
I mean, look at it this way. Consulates are put in regions to serve that area. They accommodate themselves to the needs of the region that they’re in…
So throwing yourself into a different region pool is only hurting yourself. You spend more money flying to the consulate city and staying in a hotel than you would have applying at your own consulate back at home for the same chance.
JET is competitive, no doubt, but its the people that play these type of games which make it harder on everyone else in the process.
Anyway, main reason for this post is that I found out the numbers for my consulate each year and kind of find it a blessing in a disguise. The average numbers of applicants are around 200 ~ 400 and the amount that make it to the interview stage are around 80 ~ 120. They have more alternates than they have actual shortlisters, but a huge chunk still get denied. I’m fighting the fight I would get from NYC or LA but I guess it would not be as intense.