a merkypie in japan

Today I received my transcripts from my school that proved I earned my Bachelors. I opened it up, checked to make sure everything was okay, then shoved it into a priority mail envelope and shipped it off. Should get to my consulate tomorrow.

And that’s it! All my documents are in. Now I wait for placement, which I hopefully want to pop in my inbox in mid May, but from the sound of it that won’t happen until the end of May by my coordinator.

She’s sending all of our documents to Tokyo next week, meaning somewhere between the 7th to the 12th of May. We probably won’t hear any placement information till late May, early June. Major suck.

Today was also the due date for all of us shortlisters at my consulate to get all of our documents (primarily the reply form) in. We have a website that our coordinator maintains for site updates and she keeps us updated through that website. She left some notes regarding today and it being the deadline, but there were some final words she left that kind of made me realize something.

I have lesss than three months in America, I really need to do a lot of things to cherish the time I have left here.

I want to go kayaking along the river that runs through my area, visit Lake Okeechobee, go to South Beach, see Key West, go party it up one last time in Atlanta, etc. So much to do and so little time!

Tomorrow, I start the first of my two jobs. I only plan on working at them until the first week of July, then I’m quitting to focus on packing and preparing for the move to Japan. I have cash but I need enough to where I am comfortable. Working the two jobs will do that.

Also, help to cover my student loan payments that start next month. :/

Oh well, that’s life.