Today I went to get my Certificate of Health forum filled. It’s no 6 on the required documents.
It was quite simple shockingly enough. I thought they were gonna do a whole bunch of stuff but they just asked a whole bunch of questions then told me to piss in a cup and that was it. At the end they gave me a shot for the TB skin test. I was like lol what?
I thought it was an X-ray.
Apparently, according to my doc, in the US they do the skin test first then go for X-ray if it pops up as positive. So I have to go back in 3 days to check on the results of the test. Today, since its 3:49am, I’m heading to the Sheriffs office to do the finger printing right. I don’t have enough time to afford to have FBI results come back with unreadable fingerprints so Im going to have them do it. Luckily the post office is next door so not a big loss. Next day that shit and be on my way.