a merkypie in japan

Yesterday, after I got home from work I checked my email and saw information from the consulate in regards to Q&A sessions! Yay! Finally!!

My consulate serves the entire state and because the geographical location is so large, there’s going to be three Q&As. I’m going to try to attend two of them, but my job is definitely going to be an issue. I have to put in those requests now if I want off for those Q&As. I’m really excited because this is the first official communication from the consulate since shortlist and it makes this whole JET experience more real.

I’m still waiting on my informational handbook and dvd. Hahahaha. My family still doesn’t know exactly what this program is all about; only that I teach English in Japan in some fashion.  Also, it won’t feel official until I have that material…. ._.

Placements… yeah. Next week. If not, before June.

I hope they’re not mailing these results to the consulate by Pony Express.

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