a merkypie in japan

Today I found out that the placement replies from the COs were sent to CLAIR sometime this week. 

Maybe the results will be out next week. Given the time it takes coordinators to get all that information together, maybe the end of next week? In 2010, the coordinators decided to release the results all at once. 2011 as well. Any hopes of finding out before other consulates is practically a lost hope. Also, America was the last country to find out placement in both years. The UK and Canada found out placements two or three days before America.

It looks like the smaller consulates are able to push out results quicker because there isn’t as many applicants. The US simply likes to do everything at once it seems….

  • nicoleai

    Superbummed placement notifications didn’t come out around the same time as 2010. I really hope it’s the beginning of the week, but I’ve heard a couple of coordinators are going to be out of the office next week. Hope there’s someone else around to email those people, otherwise everyone might have to wait till the final week of May or first week of June before we get our emails if the US wants to do it all on the same day.

  • ajisai

    yeah, unfortunately, I don’t think I will hear before the very end of May…:( But, hopefully other people will be able to find out! This is the most exciting part, IMHO