a merkypie in japan

So, the other day I decided to get my IDP. I plan on driving in Japan and I needed the permit in order to drive without having to get my Japanese driver’s license once I get there. The IDP is good for one year from the date on the thing and you can not renew it. It’s a temp deal.

I went to AAA expecting to get like some card or whatever. Like, I apply and then I get the card in the mail. But, nope. None of the sort. I had wish that I knew they needed a passport sized photo or I would have brought the ten billion copies I made with me to the place ~_~ So the permit ended up costing me freakin $25 bucks. It’s also a book. And they handwrite all your information in this book.

Needless to say, I was so underwhelmed.

Anyway, I needed the thing so I got the thing and now I have the thing. It sits with my passport and documents.

107 more days till Japan… these next few months are gonna be rough.