Last year I took the JLPT N5 and passed it with flying colors. I could have taken the N4 but since the test was completely revamped last year, I did not want to take any risks (I live too far from the “closest” testing center and it costs too much money to take this test), and so I played it safe.
Anyway, I had asked my coordinator if including the JLPT certificate was okay with the application since it asks about it on the application but does not tell you in the instructions to include it. She said it was okay because I may need to provide the certificate later on if accepted for an interview.
You know what that means, right?
I decided to include it with my application. Had to contact the Japan Foundation, fill out an request, and fax it to them to get another official copy of my certificate.
I swear, this week has been “fax requests” week.
All for the JET Program!