a merkypie in jpan

According to Google Maps, I’m about a good 3 hour average from the civilization known to the western world. Thanks, Google! Komatsu to Tokyo 4 hours 22 mins | 14,790円 (Roughly $150 USD) Komatsu to Kyoto 2 hours 27 mins | 5,920円 (Roughly $65 USD) Komatsu to Osaka 3 hours 7 mins | 6,710円 (Roughly $75)   Not […]

I was unable to make it to the 1st Q&A today XD I got a call this afternoon from the car rental agency saying they had a shortage and if I still wanted my car rental, it was going to be pushed back to 4pm. After checking the weather and taking into consideration rush hour […]

So, this morning a white package was plopped into my mailbox address to me from the JET Desk at the Miami Consulate. I already knew what it was so I ripped the envelope open, pulled out the goods, and did a little jig. Finally the books and dvd to ease my family have arrived. Now […]

I need to invent a new word for placements. How about places where people live. Wait that still has the word place in it. Damnit. Anyway, there’s a Google map where 2012 JETs have been pinning their placement results onto. There’s been some interesting trends popping up on the map. For the majority of placements, […]

Yesterday I found out where I’ll be spending the next few years of my life at. Ishikawa Prefecture! I found out while driving home from work. At first, I was a bit disappointed because I didn’t know where Ishikawa was. I heard of it but I didn’t know where it was at. I mean, I […]